Did you know that the Big Island of Hawaii is one of the most ideal locations in the world for astronomical viewing, due to the lack of light pollution and high elevation? The County of Hawaii has one of the strictest dark sky ordinances in the world. Outdoor lighting on the Big Island of Hawaii is not allowed to have more than 2% Blue Light Content, when measured utilizing the counties blue light content criteria. Additionally, outdoor lighting used on the Big Island is required to be Traffic Color Compliant and fixtures must be fully cutoff. The County of Hawaii has a pre-approved outdoor lighting list and E2 Lighting/LED Hawaii are the only ones on it (pre-approved list). We have a ton of less than 2% blue light wall packs, shoe boxes, street lights, solar lights, post top fixtures and canopy fixtures in stock that are approved for use on the Big Island by the County of Hawaii.
Give us a call today at 808-306-7873 or email sales@LEDHawaii.com and we can help you out with new construction projects or retrofitting your Low Pressure Sodium fixtures to County of Hawaii compliant LED Fixtures. Contact us for any assistance or questions you may have regarding the Big Island lighting requirements or any projects you may have.